
Friday 19 August 2016

Turkey Government Transfers International Students, Others To Universities With No “Coup” Ties

The Turkish government has directed all students affected by the closure of some higher institutions in the country to resume full academic classes in other government-owned institutions in the country.

A statement by the Turkish Embassy in Nigeria said all students including international students will relocate to the nation’s state universities approved by the government.

“All students regardless of their nationality have been transferred to the same city State Universities,” the statement said.

The Turkish ambassador to Nigeria, Hakan Cakil, had said on August 11 that the government of Turkey and Nigeria were working to find a solution to how the July 15 attempted coup in Turkey affected educational institutions there and in Nigeria.

The Turkish government says a movement led by US-based Fethullah Gulen was responsible for the failed coup which claimed over 200 lives.

The government shut down all schools it said were linked to Mr. Gulen.

According to the Turkish government, the replacement schools for the affected students are:
1 – Students from Bursa Orhangazi University will be transferred to Bursa Teknic University.
2 – Students from Canik Basan University will be transferred Ondokuz Mayis University.
3 – Students from Faith University (excluding Medical Faculty and Health Care Vocational School) will be transferred to Istanbul University, Students from Medical Faculty and Health Care Vocational School will be transferred to Bezmialem Vakif University.
4 – Students from Gezi University (excluding Law Students) will be transferred to Izmir Katip Celebi University, the Law Students will be transferred to Dokuz Eylul University.
5 – Students from Ipek University will be transferred to Social Science University of Ankara.
6 – Students from Izmir University will be transferred to Dukuz Eylul University.
7 – Students from Meliksah University will be transferred to Erciyes University.
8 – Students from Meviana University (excluding Faculty of education) will be transferred to Seicuk University, Students of Faculty of Education to Necmettin Erbakan University.
9 – Students from Murat Hudavendigar University will be transferred Instanbul University.
10 – Students from Selehaddin Eyyubi University will be transferred to Dicle University.
11 – Students from Sifa University will be transferred to Ege University.
12 – Students from Suleyman Sah University will be transferred to Istanbul Medeniyet University.
13 – Students from Turgut Ozal University will be transferred to Yildirim Beyazit University.
14 – Students from Zirve University will be transferred to Geziantep University.

Diploma of these students will be issued by the university they will be transferred to. Courses taken from the previous higher education institutions will be stated in the diploma supplements and transcripts.

The government also said that students of the closed higher institutions may also do undergraduate transfer to other state and foundation universities.

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